Pupil Achievement

We believe in developing achievement, success and motivation in all children. A strong foundation of basic skills is essential for children's growth as a learner.  We aim to help children to acquire the skills needed to prepare them for future life and to enjoy the process of learning itself.  We encourage children to find success in whatever area they can, not just academic subjects. For this reason we aim to provide as broad a curriculum as possible to appeal to all children regardless of background or academic ability.

By providing an enriching curriculum, we enable children to discover new areas of interest that they may choose to follow in the future. We encourage them to develop their role as global citizens, and equip them with the requisite skills and knowledge to do this.

Attainment at the end of Year 6

This approach has had a positive impact on attainment and has enabled almost all children to make at least the progress expected of them and in many cases to exceed their targets and make beyond expected progress.

In 2024, 76% of Ashcott children in Y6 achieved the expected standard (or higher) in all 3 of Reading, Writing and Maths combined, compared to the national average of 61%.  59% of our children achieved the higher level (greater depth) in Reading.

Click here for the school's 2024 KS2 SATs results...

Click here for the school's 2023 KS2 SATs results...

Click here for the school's 2022 KS2 SATs results...

Click here for the school's 2019 KS2 SATs results...

The School Performance Tables can be found at: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/123678 



We are very proud of our consistent, effective phonics teaching at Ashcott School, with outcomes above national averages every year since 2019.

In 2024, 86% of our Y1 children exceeded the threshold in the Y1 phonics screening check.  Of the three children who did not meet the threshold, one was new to the school and another did not take the check.

In 2023, 89% of our Y1 children exceeded the threshold in the Y1 phonics screening check.  Of the two children who did not meet the threshold, one was new to the school and the other was absent during the entire check window (they were assessed to be above the threshold, so our outcome was 94%). 

In 2022, 100% of our Y1 children exceeded the threshold in the Y1 phonics screening check.

In 2021, 100% of our Y1 children exceeded the threshold in the Y1 phonics screening check.