Physical Education


At Ashcott School, we believe that Physical Education (PE) is about more than just success on the sports field. PE helps to develop competent, confident young people, who understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. It also calls for teamwork, leadership and creative thinking. We aim to provide a wide range of different active learning experiences to enable children to explore and develop their own capabilities and foster a greater understanding of their own physical development. We encourage all children to be active and adopt a healthy lifestyle that will benefit their physical and mental health throughout their adult lives.  

Years 5 and 6 Outdoor and Adventurous Activities


We offer the children the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities as part of the curriculum, which include games and multi-skills, dance, athletics, gymnastics, swimming and outdoor/adventurous activities. As the children move through the school we aim to develop their skills in all areas of PE, as well as teaching teamwork and the rules and conventions of a range of sports. We are extremely well resourced in terms of PE equipment and have a large hall, huge playing field, playground space and adventure playground apparatus.  Children in Y5/6 also take part in a residential outdoor activities visit.


Ashcott children consistently perform to a high standard in a wide range of sports and children have the opportunity to compete in a variety of competitive sports with other schools and within school. The school participates in the Mendip Cross-Country League, the local football league and tournaments (boys' and girls' football), the netball league, cricket competitions and the rounders league – all competitive sports is for boys and girls.  

Ashcott pupils at a Mendip Cross-Country League race

Ashcott girls' football team

We take part in a variety of sports tournaments and matches during the year with other local schools.  Ashcott pupils consistently perform to a high standard with many successes in recent years!


We hold our own annual Sports Day, which is very inclusive, allowing all children to take part in a range of activities as part of their House Teams, as well as a more competitive element for those who enjoy this level of challenge!

Sports day includes competitive activities and team events


We use our sports funding in a number of different ways to support children's development and enrich their experiences of PE. We use some of this funding to employ a sports coach who organises a range of different fun activities during lunchtimes for all children to participate in.  Click here to find out more about how we use our PE SPORTS PREMIUM funding...

Dance is very popular at Ashcott and many children participate in country dancing club, as well as performing at our school's annual May Fair. 

Ashcott pupils at the Country Dancing Festival in Wells

PE Progression of Skills

 PE Curriculum Map - YEAR A.docxDownload
 PE Curriculum Map - YEAR B.docxDownload
 PE Progression of Skills.docxDownload
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Our PE curriculum is based on the learning objectives set out in the National Curriculum 2014 document.

Click here for an overview of the NC learning objectives for each year group...